Owners of small businesses need to take notice and get educated on a new requirement starting in 2024 that will require certain entities to report entity and ownership information. Owners of small businesses need to take notice and get educated on a new requirement starting in 2024 that will require certain entities to report entity and ownership information.
College students and their parents should study up on the recent changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. This form is now easier to fill out than it was in previous years — but some changes could affect your family’s eligibility for financial aid. Here’s an overview of why this form is important and how it’ll change for the 2024-2025 school year.
Are your employees interested in pursuing work-related education or even an advanced degree? Businesses that invest in their employees’ education can upskill their current workforce, boost morale and build loyalty among workers. Plus, it can be a tax-smart move. Here’s an overview of the two primary options for offering it as a fringe benefit or setting up an educational assistance program.
Accidents happen, and if you own the property where your tenant or a visitor gets hurt, you could be held legally responsible. This article defines “negligence” when it comes to rental property, discusses steps a landlord can take to prevent accidents, and provides information about the insurance that protects property owners when inevitable accidents do happen.
1. New 401(k) contribution limits for 2024 2. Check your withholding while there’s time 3. Tax benefits for child adoption 4. Be charitable and collect tax benefits with your IRA 5. Don’t fall for charity scams
When someone asks you to serve as executor of his or her estate, it is generally meant as a compliment. The person trusts you to serve in this important role. But don’t simply accept before you have given the matter serious thought. Before agreeing to take on the role of executor, consider these issues.
4225 Executive Square, Ste 900, La Jolla, CA 92037-1485
21600 Oxnard Street, Ste 2000,Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4969
9401 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 555, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, CA 92103-2525