Here are your Articles for February 13, 2024.
Cryptocurrency Income Is Taxable Income
In a recent news release, the IRS reminded taxpayers that they once again must answer a digital asset question and report all digital asset-related income when they file their 2023 income tax return.
Does the Marriage Penalty Still Exist Today?
Married couples may face an important tax decision each year: Which tax filing status should they use? The so-called “marriage penalty” still exists under current tax law, but it’s now smaller and affects fewer taxpayers than in the past. And some taxpayers may reap a tax bonus when they file jointly, compared to when they were single. Here’s information to help decide what’s right for your situation.
New Twists and Turns Taken by EV Credits
There are new-and-improved credits for qualifying electric vehicle (EV) purchases from 2023 through 2032. Here are details on which taxpayers and vehicles may be eligible for the clean vehicle credit and how to claim it on your federal income tax return — or possibly receive a discount when you purchase a qualifying vehicle.
Should You Help Fund a Relative or Friend’s Start-Up?
“I’ve got a great idea!” These words, or words like them, have launched many a conversation between budding entrepreneurs and family members or friends. If you’re the latter, it’s imperative to move slowly and cautiously when deciding whether to provide the money. This article discusses the key implications of making gifts, loans or equity investments to relatives or friends who are seeking to launch a startup.
Navigate the Tax Rules for Boats and RVs
Do you own a large boat or recreational vehicle? In addition to the pleasure you get cruising around in it, you may also be eligible for some federal tax breaks, if you meet certain requirements. This article provides a brief rundown of four possible tax-saving opportunities related to your vehicle or vessel.
Your Children and Estate Planning
Do you have a sizable estate that you’ll be leaving to your adult children? Then your children probably need an estate plan of their own. To encourage them to plan for their estates, consider these quick tips.
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