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October 2020 Newsletter


Here are your Articles for October 2, 2020.

  Duffy Kruspodin, LLP’s News


Important Notice – All DK Offices will be closed from Friday, October 16, 2020 through Wednesday, October 21, 2020

At Duffy Kruspodin, LLP, we recognize that our people are one of our most valued assets. As you may agree, this year has been unusual and arduous for many reasons so in an effort to give our people some much needed time off, we are closing our doors for 4 days following the October Tax Deadline.  We very much appreciate your understanding and look forward to taking care of your service needs when we return!


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People should have tax withheld from unemployment now to avoid a tax-time surprise

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, millions of Americans received or are currently receiving unemployment compensation, many of them for the first time. It’s important for these individuals to know that unemployment compensation is taxable.


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  Timely Opportunities


Using Remote Workers? Protect Sensitive Company Data from Exposure
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have shifted to work-from-home arrangements to protect the safety of their workers. This trend is expected to continue even after the pandemic ends. Unfortunately, the chances of intellectual property theft (or inadvertent loss) are generally greater when employees work at home. Here are some measures you can take to protect your trademarks, patents, copyrights and other forms of IP today.

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  Personal Finance


How to Manage Your High-Deductible Health Insurance Plan
High-deductible health plans can leave you with painfully expensive out-of-pocket costs. But that’s not always the case. With the right handling, these plans bring advantages that you might not expect. If you’re willing to do some smart planning and research, financial remedies are available. Here’s your prescription for savings.

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  Personal Tax


How the Current Tax Law Affects Charitable Giving from IRAs
Current tax law includes changes that may affect your charitable donations. This article examines some of the changes — which result in the loss of a tax break for some people who give to charity and provide a higher deduction limit for folks who give more than half of their adjusted gross income to charity. We’ll also explain how some well-off seniors can directly donate up to $100,000 from their IRAs to charity without paying tax on the money.

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Disputes Arising Over a Power of Attorney
Creating a power of attorney for someone to act on your behalf is generally a good idea, but it can cause complications if you become incapacitated and the designated person abuses the power. This article provides answers to some key questions resulting from potential disputes involving a power of attorney.

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