There’s been a lot of discussion in the press about estate taxes and potential changes the current administration is considering. As we all know, estate planning can be complicated. One of the tools in the estate planner’s toolbox is a trust designed to avoid estate taxes. However, many trusts are irrevocable meaning once you create it, you cannot change it. The word irrevocable is daunting and many times acts as a deterrent to making estate tax savings gifts.
Enter the Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLATs)
A SLAT is an estate planning tool that provides potential tax reduction features but with a twist, if set up correctly. Even if the trust is irrevocable, the assets in the SLAT could be made available to a spouse while living.

It may be worth a conversation. Call or email today to learn
more or to have this topic added to our next meeting agenda.


Galina Berkovich, CPA
Partner/ Woodland Hills, Beverly Hills
DK Wealth Management LLC
21600 Oxnard Street, Suite 2000
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel 818-385-0585

Suzie Korth, EA
Partner, University Heights
DK Wealth Management LLC
4304 Park Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92103
Tel 619-295-2637

Kristopher Lindley, CFP®
Financial Consultant
DK Wealth Management LLC
12555 High Bluff Drive, Suite 210
San Diego, CA 92130
Tel 619-550-4619

DK Wealth Management LLC | La Jolla | University Heights | Woodland Hills | Beverly Hills
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